Streaming series have become significantly more important for young people’s leisure behaviour in recent years. If you want to approach today’s generation via media, popular series […]
Why is that Sci-Fi? – Synphonics & Sound Design What do alien worlds sound like? What makes an exciting soundtrack musically? What different possibilities do composers […]
Many social media outlets are saying that “The Orville” is the better Star Trek! Why is that the case? What makes “The Orville” different or better? […]
Bullying and discrimination are often a central theme in “The Orville”. Because each of us has certainly had direct or indirect experience of discrimination and/or bullying. […]
Thorsten Walch looks back on over 70 years of extraterrestrial invasions in cinema and television. What has fortunately not yet taken place in reality has long […]
30 years of “The X-Files” in Germany – if that’s not a reason to celebrate. Media journalists, authors and columnists Reinhard Prahl and Björn Sülter think […]
Space Age Design – the creation of our image of the future using the example of the TV series “Raumpatrouille”, “Star Trek”, “Doctor Who” and others […]
Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, Quatermain and Captain Picard have one thing in common: they are all archaeologists and treasure hunters. The search for gold and jewels, […]