FEDCON: Streaming series in the classroom - Lecture
Sci-Fi – Symphony & Sound Design
14. January 2024

FedCon 32 | Vortrag | Streamingserien im Unterricht

Streaming series have become significantly more important for young people’s leisure behaviour in recent years. If you want to approach today’s generation via media, popular series offer ideal starting points. They can easily motivate children and young people to engage with current social issues. With the help of well-known science fiction, fantasy and drama series, topics such as death, xenophobia, artificial intelligence, faith and many others are presented to young people.

The two speakers, Uli Vaorin and Christian Goos, will use well-known series from various streaming services as examples to show how these series can be used didactically in schools and youth work. Participants will receive helpful (media) tips that have been tried and tested in practice and selected worksheets for their own use from the speakers’ previous publications.

Lecturer: Uli Vaorin, Christian Goos
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german

Uli Vaorin is a qualified teacher and media officer in the Iserlohn church district. He runs the media centre there and offers media education support for educators, teachers and parents.

Christian Goos is a teacher of German and Protestant religious education at a grammar school in the Sauerland region.

Together they have published the works "Science Fiction in Religious Education - Materials on Film and Literature for Grades 9-13" and "Streaming - Series in the Classroom" in recent years. They can look back on many years of experience in the field of adult education and have specialised in the targeted use of film adaptations in children's and youth work.

In 2022, both speakers have already given a joint presentation at FedCon.


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