"This Is Us" - Single Release - FEDCON Special
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31. March 2024

FedCon 32 | Specials | "This is us" - Single Release | Tiffany Gauger

“This Is Us” – This song is dedicated to all the nerds out there who invest all their time and energy in what they love. Doing what they love, no matter what anyone else thinks. For all those who have found a home among like-minded people. A song about us, a great creative community. A song for our FedCon family. We celebrate ourselves, because “This Is Us!”

“This Is Us” – Single release and premiere LIVE at FedCon 32 as part of the “Opening Ceremony” on 10.05.2024

  • Single: This Is Us
  • Interpretin: Tiffany Gauger
  • Music & Lyrics: Tiffany Gauger
  • Album (Coming Up): The Final Frontier (SciFi themed)
  • Published by: © Key West Music Records 2024  – All rights reserved!
About the artist

Professional singer and singing teacher Tiffany Gauger has been performing on stage since the age of 5. She has gained a wealth of stage experience in the areas of musicals/shows and studio work. Since completing her vocal studies at the HfM Mainz, she has been working as a freelance opera singer. Previous engagements have taken her to the Stadttheater Gießen, Stadttheater Trier, Staatstheater Darmstadt and Staatstheater Wiesbaden, as well as to the international Wiesbaden May Festival.

In addition to her work at the theater, she can be heard in numerous shows and solo programs. Her repertoire includes opera, operetta, chanson and musicals.

She has also been a successful singing teacher for several years. From 2018 to 2021, for example, she held a teaching position for singing at the Musical Arts Academy Mainz, whose vocal department she headed from 2020-2021. She has been running her own singing school “StimmDich Speyer” since 2022.

She is also no longer a stranger to FedCon. She not only performs on stage there, but also gives lectures and workshops on nerdy musical topics.

Photo: @winkphotographer 2024. All rights reserved!

Sources & additional links for “This Is Us” – Single Release:

Website (Artist),

Instagram (Artist),

Website (Label),

Instagram (Label)


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