Alien invasions in film & TV
16. January 2024
Space Age Design
18. January 202430 years of “The X-Files” in Germany – if that’s not a reason to celebrate.
Media journalists, authors and columnists Reinhard Prahl and Björn Sülter think so too and dedicate around 60 entertaining minutes to the phenomenon of a series that still has millions of fans today and may even be relaunched soon.
In their panel, the two hosts will not only talk about their personal relationship with the X-Files, but also discuss the “real” X-Files, which inspired the series creators to write many stories. In keeping with the anniversary, the author duo will also present their latest literary prank, “Die Ake X Chronik, Band 1: Die erste Staffel”, in which they not only offer detailed reviews of each episode of the debut season, but also go into detail about the background, scientific facts and interesting anecdotes and fact files.
Lecturer: Reinhard Prahl, Björn Sülter
Duration: 60 min - The Lecture will be held in: germanPublisher, author, translator and journalist Björn Sülter has been writing and speaking about media in general and Star Trek in particular for more than twenty years. As an author, he is known for the secondary work "Es lebe Star Trek - Ein Phänomen, zwei Leben", which won the German Fantasy Award in 2019, as well as the series "Die Star Trek-Chronik" and "Die Babylon 5 Chronik". As editor-in-chief, he is responsible for the print magazine Geek! and the Planet Trek portal, which he publishes. He also works as a freelancer for various print magazines and is the owner of Verlag in Farbe und Bunt.
Reinhard Prahl is a science and media journalist, writer and columnist. Since 1999, his work has appeared in numerous print and online magazines such as GEEK!, TV Serien Highlights, Planet Trek and Serienjunkies.de. He is co-author of the non-fiction books "Es lebe Captain Future", "Die Star Trek Chronik 1 - 5", "Es lebe Firefly" and "Die Akte X Chronik", publishes short stories and worked on the Ivar Leon Menger production "Die schwarze Stadt".
Sources & additional links for 30 years of The X-Files in Germany:
Amazon (author page Reinhard Prahl),