Klingons, Wookiees or Tiuphores? Q, Yoda or ES? Tribbles, Tusks or mouse beavers? In which franchise do we meet the coolest aliens – Star Trek, Star […]
Many people believe that the making of modern prosthetics is an expensive process that is beyond the abilities of the average cosplayer. This isn’t true! In […]
Every year, convention-goers come to the convention wearing their first cosplay, as well as cosplayers who have been attending FedCon for many years who say they […]
Under the title A galaxy full of books: Worldbuilding in Star Wars, Florian Baur takes you into the ever-expanding Star Wars galaxy – or more precisely, […]
The lecture Space Costumes – from fur bikinis to space suits clarifies some big questions about how the various costumes in sci-fi movies and series were […]
The Time Machine, Back to the Future, or when the Trek writers can’t think of anything else, there’s a time travel episode. Time travel is fascinating […]
The Holodeck is a wonderful place for storytelling, especially in Star Trek: The Next Generation. The characters of the Star Trek world immerse themselves in another […]