Alien Battle / FEDCON 31 - Lecture
Our Solar System
20. February 2023
Making a Monkey of Yourself
21. February 2023

FedCon 31 | Vortrag | Alien Battle | Robert Corvus, Reinhard Prahl, Thorsten Walch

  • Klingons, Wookiees or Tiuphores?
  • Q, Yoda or ES?
  • Tribbles, Tusks or mouse beavers?

In which franchise do we meet the coolest aliens – Star Trek, Star Wars or Perry Rhodan?

In the Alien Battle, we’ll find out! On stage, the advocates will present the strongest, the cutest, the most primitive and wise, the most dangerous and beautiful aliens from each universe. Blue-skinned and snake-shaped, giants and tiny, sly and paladins, high-tech civilizations and primitives – they will bring up everything. They will make (more or less) serious arguments for their revered favorites.

After each round, you have the floor: the audience will vote on whose aliens are ahead in which category. Because in the end we want to know in which corner of the geeky multiverse we find them: the coolest of all aliens!

Lecturer: Robert Corvus, Reinhard Prahl, Thorsten Walch
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german

Thorsten Walch is an author, translator and journalist and writes for print media like GEEK! Magazine, Star Wars: Das Offizielle Magazin and FedCon INSIDER as well as websites like "" and "". He is the author of NERD-O-Pedia, the novel Hitze' Leni und die Äliens, and the non-fiction book Es lebe Star Wars.

Reinhard Prahl is the author of popular science articles, non-fiction books, novels and short stories. His work has appeared since 1999 in numerous print and online media, including Geek! Magazine, FedCon INSIDER, TV-Klassiker, Hossa!, Goldstars, "" and "". He has also written several short stories and is currently publishing the three-part novel Seelen - Das Ruhrstadtuniversum. In cooperation with Björn Sülter and Thorsten Walch, the third part of the successful non-fiction series Die Star Trek-Chronik is being written.

Together Thorsten and Reinhard published Es lebe Captain Future and Es lebe Firefly.

As a science fiction and fantasy author, Robert Corvus is repeatedly on the Spiegel bestseller list. He is a member of the Perry Rhodan team of authors.

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