Where to put my hands? / FEDCON 31 - Lecture
Making a Monkey of Yourself
21. February 2023
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A galaxy full of books
23. February 2023

FedCon 31 | Vortrag | Wohin mit meinen Händen | Andreas Kinder

Every year, convention-goers come to the convention wearing their first cosplay, as well as cosplayers who have been attending FedCon for many years who say they don’t know what to do when posing in photos.

You don’t have to have attended modeling school to look good in photos.

Cosplayers will learn the basics, like body tension and posture, and how to prepare for a cosplay shoot, and not just for photoshoots at conventions.

What poses can you do if you don’t have props like phasers, tricorders or lightsabers?

But even props like blasters, phasers or firearms don’t look advantageous in every pose, so here are some tips and tricks on how to present yourself well in the best light with your props.

What role do facial expressions play in cosplaying and photography?

Lecturer: Andreas Kinder
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german

Andreas Kinder (born 1970) has been a passionate science fiction fan since childhood.

He has been professionally active in the field of image processing and photography for over 20 years.

In addition to his full-time work as a media designer, Andreas has been taking photos for 17 years, starting at RingCon 2005 and since 2007 at FedCon of all cosplayers who want a photo of themselves.

Next to Cordesh, Aki is one of the cosplay photographers who are always at the con.

Andreas organizes and takes the cosplay fan group photos every year.

And also besides the cons, Andreas is on the road with numerous individual or group cosplay shoots and is one of the better known cosplay photographers in the cosplay scene.

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