Our con guest Richard Poe has played a role in three Star Trek series. The California-born actor portrayed the Cardassian Gul Evek in Star Trek: The […]
Now it’s about time that the Stargate team establishes a base in Bonn, because with Simone Bailly another actress from the series Stargate SG-1 joins our […]
As archaeologist Dr. Sarah Gardner and powerful Goa’uld Osiris, Anna-Louise Plowman achieved international fame in Stargate SG-1. The New Zealand-born actress has also been seen in […]
Jacqueline Kim joins the FedCon 31 guest lineup as an actress from Star Trek Generations. Her prior experience was in theater – but when she arrived […]
Activate the Stargate at FedCon 33, because with Teryl Rothery we welcome Dr. Janet Fraiser from the cult SF series Stargate SG-1. She played the role […]
With Michael Shanks, another popular leading actor from the Stargate universe is returning to FedCon in 2025. In his role as Dr. Daniel Jackson, he was […]
Richard Dean Anderson is returning to Bonn and is looking forward to attending FedCon 33! From 1997 to 2005, Richard Dean Anderson was seen as Colonel […]
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