Anna-Louise Plowman live in Bonn | FEDCON 31
Simone Bailly
5. February 2023
Jacqueline Kim
9. February 2023

As archaeologist Dr. Sarah Gardner and powerful Goa’uld Osiris, Anna-Louise Plowman achieved international fame in Stargate SG-1. The New Zealand-born actress has also been seen in action in the cult British series Doctor Who (Diana Goddard). Plowman’s role as Mrs. Hudson in the adventure series Black Sails took her to wild pirate times. And in the successful witcher saga The Witcher (Netflix), she plays the farmer’s wife Zola.

At FedCon 33, you can get an autograph from Anna-Louise Plowman, visit the photo session with her and hear her chat about her career on stage.

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