Star Trek Filming Sites III / FEDCON 31 - Lecture
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De and me
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Errors in Star Trek?
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FedCon 31 | Vortrag | Star Trek Filming Sites III | Robert Kaiser

“Star Trek. The Final Frontier. These are the adventures of fans on the road, exploring original locations and creating new stills. In the process, they’re penetrating locations that film crews have seen before.”

And the journey continues… the Star Trek Filming Sites III lecture goes to a new set of locations where scenes were shot for Star Trek series or films, and compares footage from the well-known productions with current photos of those locations. Although these are an extension of previous talks – which have been featured at recent FedCon events – this talk is independent and does not build on those pieces (only avoiding overlap).

Both in the context of a GeekNation tour with Larry Nemecek and on private travels, Robert Kaiser has tried to capture the clips used in Star Trek as much as possible, or at least to make it clearly evident where and how they were shot.

Thus, he can come up with a range of only once to frequently used places, and with a dash of humor provide an entertaining impression of these filming locations – as far as you like to look behind the scenes …

Note: The lecture Star Trek Filming Sites IV, also offered by Robert Kaiser, is presented in German and contains different content.

Lecturer: Robert Kaiser
Duration: 30 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: english

Robert Kaiser (nicknamed "KaiRo") is fascinated by the future and new technologies - be it as an IT freelancer as well as Mozilla Tech Speaker , where he can deal with currently new technologies, or also when looking into the further future as a Sci-Fi and Star Trek fan.

While science and technology originally sparked his interest in Star Trek, it is the underlying philosophy of inclusion and "IDIC" (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations) as well as the positive outlook on the future that solidified his affection for these productions and kept him going.

Robert lives in Vienna, is a member of the Austrian fan club "Galactic Friendship", and enjoys traveling to the USA - especially to the annual conventions in Las Vegas.

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