From Star Wars to Avatar
16. March 2022
Star Wars: The Force of Books
25. March 2022“Star Trek. The final frontier. These are the voyages of the fans, their continuing mission: to explore sites of ‘on location’ filming, to take photos. To boldly go where film crews have gone before.”
The lecture Star Trek Filming Sites II is presenting additional sites at which episodes of different Star Trek series have been filmed, as well as scenes of some of the movies, and compares stills from those productions are compared to current pictures taken at the same sites. Even though those extend the first talk (which was presented at FedCon 29), this is an independent presentation and doesn’t build on the previous one (but avoids overlaps).
Robert Kaiser visited some of those places during a Geek Nation tour with Larry Nemecek as well as on private vacations and tried to get shots that match the stills or get a view on those locations that makes clear how they were used in the shows.
Due to that, he can show an interesting bandwidth of different locations, spiced up with a bit of humor – and maybe even a visit to a “different universe”…
Lecturer: Robert Kaiser
Duration: 30 min - The Lecture will be held in: englishWhile science and technology has initially ignited his interest in Star Trek, its philosophy of inclusion and "IDIC" (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations) as well as the optimistic view on the future made him stick with and fall in love with that "franchise".
Robert is based in Vienna/Austria, a member of the Austrian fan club "Galactic Friendship", and loves traveling to the USA - especially to the yearly Star Trek Las Vegas conventions.