Science fiction in the classroom / lecture at FEDCON in Bonn
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17. February 2022
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19. February 2022

FedCon 30 | Vortrag | Science-Fiction im Unterricht | Uli Vaorin & Christian Goos

How do you get young people motivated to discuss social issues these days? By picking them up from their own habits and from familiar terrain.

Science fiction is much more than just television, movies or computer games. Science fiction also says a lot about us and our society. With the help of well-known series and films such as Star Trek, Star Wars, The Hunger Games or Battlestar Galactica, many current topics such as fanaticism, xenophobia, artificial intelligence or the question of the human soul can be didactically prepared. Even critical topics like “death” can be discussed without shyness due to the distance of a film version.

In the lecture Science Fiction in the Classroom, examples will be shown of how films or series can be used for educational purposes in schools, churches or youth work. Examples will be presented and suggestions given that can be easily implemented in one’s own environment.

Lecturer: Uli Vaorin, Christian Goos
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Uli Vaorin is a qualified educator, media tutor and media consultant in the Iserlohn church district. He heads the local media library and offers media education support for educators, teachers and parents.

Christian Goos is a teacher of German and Protestant religious education at a high school in the Sauerland region. Both speakers have jointly published "Science Fiction in Religious Education - Materials on Film and Literature for Grades 9-13" and are currently working on the second publication on the use of streaming series in the classroom for grades 5-13.

They look back on years of experience in adult continuing education and specialize in the targeted use of film adaptations in children's and youth work.

Sources & additional links for Science fiction in the classroom:

Website (Non-fiction book)

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