12. January 2022
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22. January 2022Chaos versus order – chaotarchs versus cosmocrats: This is one of the basic conflicts in the PERRY RHODAN universe. It is also at the centre of the current plot. In the dwarf galaxy Cassiopeia, a chaoporter, a kilometre-sized spaceship of the chaos powers, has been damaged. Home not only to a crew, but to entire races. On a mission to find without searching. To let chaos take shape in other universes and bring it over into our space-time continuum – with destructive effects.
These could soon be felt in the Milky Way as well, because something at the centre of our galaxy is attracting the chaoporter. He couldn’t stay away from it even if he wanted to … For 60 years, PERRY RHODAN has shaped the science fiction landscape in Germany. Team author Robert Corvus provides insights into current motifs and story arcs of the world’s greatest science fiction series.
Lecturer: Robert Corvus
Duration: 60 min - The Lecture will be held in: germanUnder his pseudonym Bernard Craw, he has contributed novels to the BattleTech franchise. This has made him a name in military SF. Another focus is space opera. His titles are also published by Piper: Feuer der Leere, Das Imago-Projekt or currently Sternenbrücke, which mixes space opera with cyberpunk. Corvus is also active in fantasy. He enjoys attending national and international conventions, both as a fan and as a speaker. Corvus was born in 1972 and lives in Cologne. When he's not busy with literature, you can often find him at the cinema or in the dance hall.