Star Trek – recalculated again
15. March 2023
Human Spaceflight
6. May 2023“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ….
It’s a turbulent time for the Rebellion and the Mandalorians.
There are heroes on both sides.
In Bonn, a group of rebels, led by Luke Skywalker, is trying to find comrades-in-arms. But the Mandalorians also have this plan with one of their leaders Thanatos the Executioner.
Can the Rebels champion their cause or can the Mandalorians prevent them from doing so?”
Dressing Rebels & Mandos
How do I create a Star Wars costume of Rebels and Mandalorians?
A lecture with costumed fans for fans in cooperation of the two Star Wars costume fan clubs Rebel Legion – German Base Yavin and Mando Mercs Deutschland.
In addition to a brief insight into the fan groups, there will be information on how to build Star Wars costumes that are true to the film:
- What costumes are available in the clubs?
- Are there instructions and help for these?
- What has to be considered for the design/construction?
and much more. Of course you are welcome to ask questions.
Sven Tiegelkamp is the Alo’rad (Clan Leader) of the Jai’Galaar Clan and will take over the part for the Mando Mercs.
Karsten Graef is in his sixth year as Commanding Officer for the Rebel Legion – German Base Yavin and will take over the part for the Rebels.
Both belong to different clubs but are united in their passion for Star Wars.
Lecturer: Sven Tiegelkamp, Karsten Graef
Duration: 60 min - The Lecture will be held in: germanRepresented worldwide, Mando Mercs represent Mandalorian culture and costumes and can be found at numerous conventions, fundraisers and parades. The most famous representatives are Boba Fett, Din Djarin (The Mandalorian), Armsmaster, Bo Katan and Sabine Wren.
The German Base Yavin is the German group of the worldwide Star Wars fan costume club Rebel Legion.
Here you can find costumes of characters of the light side of the force as well as their allies, the "good guys", like the Jedi, Senators, the Rebels and of course the heroes of the saga: e.g. Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Padme Amidala or Rey.
The main focuses are:
I.e. we experience community by participating in events in costume, where there can also be fundraisers or the like.
Sources & additional links for Dressing Rebels & Mandos:
Mandalorian Mercs
Facebook (Clan)
Instagram (Clan),
Instagram (Sven: Thanatos - The Ececutioner)
Website, Facebook Twitter, Instagram YouTube