Can´t touch this: The Theremin / lecture at FEDCON in Bonn
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19. February 2022
In space no one can hear your score
24. February 2022

FedCon 30 | Vortrag | Can't touch this: The Theremin | Markus Rogenhofer

International espionage, the abduction of a scientist and maybe even voices from the dead – the Theremin Vox is probably the most infamous musical instrument of science fiction soundtracks and the stories around it may very well be taken from an SF thriller.

We will explore the strange history of a musical instrument that once (as a propaganda tool) was thought to change the face of music forever but instead became obscure and almost forgotten.

We will look at how it is technologically possible to play an instrument without touching it, and find out about the techniques of famous theremin players. There will be lots of beautiful examples from cinema, television and concerts.

Get ready for some common misconceptions to be rebuked! There are weird fun facts to be collected – and if you like, you will get a chance to try out playing a real life theremin!

Lecturer: Markus Rogenhofer
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: english
Hi, my name is Markus Rogenhofer. I hold a master’s degree in musicology and am a professional musician and composer from Graz, Austria. Most of my work concerns the music of science fiction, but there is also medieval/renaissance music, a lot of rock, classical Indian music and, well, in truth it is a hodgepodge of anything I come across.

My talks will give you insight into the music of your fandoms from the perspective of pop/media-art studies, ethnomusicology, music-psychology and music-sociology; as for workshops, I bring experience from orchestras, all kinds of bands, as well as recording studios, and I am looking forward to make some music with you!

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