FEDCON: Is that Classical Music? - Lecture
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FedCon 31 | Vortrag | Is that Classical Music? | Markus Rogenhofer

“– Yes, Doctor, it would seem to be.”

At least according to Mr. Spock’s almost infallible assessment, the Beastie Boys have moved into this category in 2263; in the year 5,000,000,000 not Dr. McCoy, but THE Doctor listens to “Tainted Love” and “Toxic” in the context of “Classical music from Earth’s greatest composers”; on the Enterprise-D, however, one searches in vain for such classical music … In this lecture we will examine how music is preserved for posterity, the mechanics that put the stamp “classical” on some music, and compare the listening habits of our SF heroes with ours.

What music would we need to listen to in order to have a similar notion of classical? Conversely, what music would be heard in the future to match our classical? Will our “pop music” really become “classical” one day? And what constitutes this “classical” or a musical work in the first place? Questions about questions, the suggested answers and many practical examples await you!

Lecturer: Markus Rogenhofer
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german

Hello, my name is Markus Rogenhofer. I am a musicologist, musician and composer from Graz, Austria. Most of my work deals with the music of science fiction and music from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance; beyond that not to forget a lot of rock, classical Indian music and, well, in truth it's a mishmash of everything I can get my hands on.

In my talks, I'll give you insights into the music of your fandoms from the perspective of pop/media art studies, ethnomusicology, music psychology, and music sociology; as for the workshops, I bring experience from orchestras, all kinds of bands, as well as recording studios, and look forward to making music with you!

Sources & additional links for Is that Classical Music?:

Website (Radio Freizeichen)


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