Stargate and Ancient Egypt / FEDCON 31 - Lecture
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FedCon 31 | Vortrag | Stargate und das alte Ägypten | Reinhard Prahl

It’s obvious that Roland Emmerich’s Stargate has a lot to do with ancient Egypt. But what is actually true about Daniel Jackson’s statement that Cheops did not build the Great Pyramid of Giza and that the only inscription inside the structure is a fake? Is it true that the Egyptians of the Old Kingdom were technically incapable of building such a massive structure as the Pyramid of Cheops, and who were the people who performed this miracle? And last but not least: What is the famous hieroglyphic text at the beginning of the film about and is it really so difficult to translate that a seasoned expert fails and only Daniel is able to do it?

Reinhard Prahl addresses these and other questions in the exciting panel Stargate and Ancient Egypt, which combines science fiction and Egyptology.

Lecturer: Reinhard Prahl
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german

Reinhard Prahl has been a journalist since 1999 and has since written numerous articles on the subjects of Egyptology, ancient history and anthropology for various magazines and Internet portals. In 2013, the author specialized in media journalism and has since written for Geek! magazin, TV-Klassiker, FedCon INSIDER, and, among others.

He is also co-author of the non-fiction books Es lebe Captain Future, Es lebe Firefly, Auf der Suche nach der Mutterkultur and the popular series Die Star Trek Chronik, which he writes together with his friends and colleagues Björn Sülter and Thorsten Walch. Together with Ivar Leon Menger and other colleagues, he also developed and wrote the audio blockbuster Die schwarze Stadt and is the author of the novel series Das Ruhrstadtuniversum.

Sources & additional links for Stargate and Ancient Egypt:

Reinhard Prahl at Amazon,

Die schwarze Stadt,

Die schwarze Stadt 2

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