The soul of the rogue - FEDCON writing workshop
Writing creatively about films
18. January 2022

FedCon 30 | Workshop | Die Seele des Schurken | Robert Corvus & Bernhard Hennen

The protagonist grows from his adversary, only the villain turns the main character into a heroine. What would Star Wars be without Darth Vader and the Emperor? Wouldn’t Alien be boring without the treacherous android? Who commands the troops that descend on the idyllic planet? Who hunts the child on whom the hope of the universe rests? Who terrifies not only the protagonist but also the readers?

In the writing workshop The soul of the rogue (Die Seele des Schurken) with Robert Corvus and Bernhard Hennen, we look at what makes a gripping villain and how to introduce them into a story in a way that makes it as exciting as possible. In small groups, we set off into darker realms: deep into the dark soul of the villain with its evil desires and merciless cruelty – but perhaps also with the tender light that awakens our empathy. We design villain characters worthy of our protagonist!

Workshop leader: Robert Corvus, Bernhard Hennen
Max. attendance: TBA  -  Pre-registration at: TBA
Fee: Free  -  Duration: 90 min
The Workshop will be held in: german  -  Material to be brought: good mood and a pen
Robert Corvus writes for the world's greatest science fiction series, PERRY RHODAN. Under his pseudonym Bernard Craw, he has contributed novels to the BattleTech franchise. His titles are also published by Piper: Feuer der Leere Das Imago-Projekt or currently Sternenbrücke.

He is also no stranger to fantasy. In addition to a large number of independent titles, he publishes Die Phileasson-Saga together with Bernhard Hennen, which has won genre awards and placed on bestseller lists several times.

Bernhard Hennen is best known as Lord of the Elves. He has set several novel cycles in the fantasy world he invented, which also enjoys great international popularity and has become a million-seller. The latest series is entitled Schattenelfen. But his work is much broader, it also includes historical novels - and even excursions into science fiction.

Robert and Bernhard often give writing courses - as workshops at conventions, in writing camps and online formats, and even in a university context.

Sources & additional links for The soul of the rogue:

Website Phileasson-Saga, YouTube Phileasson-Saga

Robert Corvus Website, Twitch, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram

Bernhard Hennen Website, Facebook, Instagram

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