Interstellar space travel / Join this lecture at FEDCON
Wüste(n) Planeten in der SF
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FedCon 30 | Vortrag | Interstellare Raumfahrt | Phillip P. Peterson

It is the longing goal of space travel: the stars. Although humans have not even set foot on Mars, scientists and engineers have been looking for ways to reach our neighboring solar systems for decades.

As early as the sixties, there were ambitious projects to send probes to the stars. In the so-called Orion program, spacecraft were developed that were to be sent to Alpha Centauri with atomic bombs. In the seventies, antimatter drives were developed, and in the eighties, gigantic solar sails were designed to open up the infinity of space to mankind. Today, people are more modest and are researching miniaturized robots that are supposed to reach the neighboring star system in a few decades.

Phillip P. Peterson explains the possible propulsion concepts, introduces nearly forgotten projects, and previews the future of interstellar spaceflight.

Lecturer: Phillip P. Peterson
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Phillip P. Peterson studied space technology and nuclear engineering. He conducted research on nuclear fusion reactors at RWTH Aachen University and wrote a doctoral thesis on the subject. He worked as an engineer on future launch vehicle concepts and in satellite program management. In addition to scientific publications, he wrote for a space publishing company.

A full-time author since 2015, he wrote two bestsellers, "Transport" and "Paradox," and was nominated several times for the German Science Fiction Prize and the Kurd-Laßwitz Prize. With the novels "Vakuum" and "Universum" he has become one of the most successful German hard SF authors.

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