Stargate Atlantis: David Nykl | FEDCON 29
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6. September 2019
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Even though our FedCon 29 star guest David Nykl in his role as Dr. Radek Zelenka in Stargate: Atlantis has a well-founded aversion to Stargate travel (in almost every one of his missions he is confronted with bigger problems …), we are very happy that he will start the trip to Bonn anyway.

The Prague-born actor mimics one of the brightest minds in the SG team and is quite experienced in the use of pronounced curses. David Nykl studied literature, theatre and acting at the “University of Britsh Columbia” in Vancouver, Canada, before starting his first TV roles, speaker jobs and film assignments at the end of the 80s.

Fans of this fantastic genre have certainly seen David Nykl once in a while. So you could see him in series like Eureka, Fringe , Supernatural, Once Upon a Time, Minority Report or Arrow in action. Currently the fantasy series Carnival Row (Amazon Prime) joins them.

So a lot of stuff David Nykl can tell you about on the FedCon 29 stage. Be there and also get vouchers for an autograph, the photo session and as a special special the “Meet & Greet” with him in the Ticket-Shop.

Sources & additional links for David Nykl:

Wikipedia, IMDb, Twitter, Wikipedia (Stargate Atlantis)

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