Thunderbirds are GO! FEDCON lecture by Steve Dix
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1. December 2018
FedCon 28 | Vortrag | Everything I learned from SF
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16. December 2018

Thunderbirds – the science-fiction TV series and film of Gerry Anderson are largely ignored in Germany.  The aim of this lecture is to introduce Anderson’s most successful TV series, “Thunderbirds” to a wider audience, beyond the small group of German fans.

It will discuss the origins of the Gerry Anderson “Century 21 Studios”, and how this small firm gradually grew into a marketing phenomenon unrivalled until Star Wars. The origins of the concept of “International Rescue” and “The Thunderbirds” will be discussed, as will the technical details of the then highly-advanced puppet techniques and miniature photography used to produce the episodes, as well as the themes, characters and hardware involved in the plots of the series.

The lecture Thunderbirds are GO! will also discuss the production of the two spin-off films, and later attempts to revive Thunderbirds as a film and as a CGI-based TV series.

Lecturer: Steve Dix
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: english
Steve Dix is Germany's only science fiction comedian. He grew up with Star Trek, Star Wars and Dr. Who and everything he learned he learned thanks to science fiction. Steve is a semi-professional stand-up comedian who lives in Cologne and has been active in the German comedy scene since 2005. He was seen several times at the "Kölner Comedy Fest" and at "Nightwash". He has performed in the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Great Britain.

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