Das Imago-Projekt
9. May 2019
Perry Rhodan – World’s greatest SF series
10. May 2019- The smuggler bar in an asteroid, the fighter pilot, the robot army: That’s science fiction.
- We meet the unicorn, the knight and the castle in Fantasy.
But is the Jedi really that different from the Sun God’s paladin? Or the magic mirror of the holotank? The onslaught of orcs from the alien invasion?
Yes – and no, that’s Bernhard Hennen and Robert Corvus, two of the most successful authors of the fantasy scene. Fantasy and science fiction use different elements to captivate the audience. They have to be known and understood in order to be able to use them effectively. One must be familiar with the pitfalls and strengths of the genres in order to build suitable worlds for the stories. If you know what you’re doing, you can juggle expectations – and surprise with fresh themes in unexpected contexts.
In this lecture at FedCon, Bernhard Hennen and Robert Corvus open the door to their author’s workshops and give us a guided tour in which we learn how to assemble the armor for their warrior and the command chair for their space pirate.