SF and Fantasy - a comparison - exklusively at FEDCON
FedCon 28 | Vortrag | Das Imago-Projekt
Das Imago-Projekt
9. May 2019
FedCon 28 | Vortrag | Perry Rhodan - World's greatest SF-Series
Perry Rhodan – World’s greatest SF series
10. May 2019

FedCon 28 | Vortrag | SF und Fantasy - ein Vergleich

  • The smuggler bar in an asteroid, the fighter pilot, the robot army: That’s science fiction.
  • We meet the unicorn, the knight and the castle in Fantasy.

But is the Jedi really that different from the Sun God’s paladin? Or the magic mirror of the holotank? The onslaught of orcs from the alien invasion?

Yes – and no, that’s Bernhard Hennen and Robert Corvus, two of the most successful authors of the fantasy scene. Fantasy and science fiction use different elements to captivate the audience. They have to be known and understood in order to be able to use them effectively. One must be familiar with the pitfalls and strengths of the genres in order to build suitable worlds for the stories. If you know what you’re doing, you can juggle expectations – and surprise with fresh themes in unexpected contexts.

In this lecture at FedCon, Bernhard Hennen and Robert Corvus open the door to their author’s workshops and give us a guided tour in which we learn how to assemble the armor for their warrior and the command chair for their space pirate.

Lecturer: Bernhard Hennen, Robert Corvus
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
With Robert Corvus we welcome one of the most successful fantasy authors of Germany at FedCon. Currently, The Imago Project is the sequel to his science fiction novel Fire of Void. He also writes for the biggest science fiction series in the world: Perry Rhodan. Together with Bernhard Hennen adapts Robert one of the roleplaying basic adventure campaigns The Black Eye, Die Phileasson-Saga, as a twelve-part novel series. Both the fourth and fifth volumes were on the Spiegel bestseller list. Independent fantasy titles such as Die Schwertfeuer-Saga and Berg der Macht were published by Piper Verlag.

Robert has been a full-time writer since 2013. Before that, writing was a hobby and sideline for 25 years. During this time, novels were published under his pseudonym Bernard Craw in the universes of BattleTech and The Black Eye.

Robert Corvus was a soldier, management consultant and project manager in international corporations. He travelled around the world with his backpack, made a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela and taught karate. After working in Münster and Sindelfingen, he now lives in Cologne.

Bernhard Hennen, born 1966, studied German, History and Ancient Near Eastern Studies. As a journalist he travelled the Orient and Central America before devoting himself entirely to writing fantastic novels. More than 35 novels have been published in the meantime. With his Elf saga he stormed all bestseller lists and wrote his way to the top of German fantasy authors. In the meantime his books have been published in ten countries and have sold more than five million copies.

But the beginning of this writer's career looked quite different: At times, Bernhard had to accept every job available in order to make ends meet for himself and his family - among other things, he worked as a show fighter at medieval markets and as Santa Claus. An arsenal of swords from this time must share in its house the place with an overflowing tin figure collection. From time to time he moves out with these miniature armies to indulge in his hobby at tabletop events.

Bernhard Hennen lives with his family in Krefeld.

Sources & additional links for SF and Fantasy – a comparison:

Robert Corvus
Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube

Bernhard Hennen
Website, Facebook, Instagram

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