Octopuses and squids FEDCON lecture by Bettina Wurche
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Octopuses and squids – from sea monster to popular figure with three hearts

These molluscs without spine but with a lot of brain live exclusively in the oceans, many of them in great depths. Today we know many details from the life of these invertebrates: three hearts, many lower brains and a penis. Hot-blooded wedding dances and devoted mothers. New technologies such as unmanned diving robots and underwater drones are penetrating deeper and deeper into the oceans, revealing ever new secrets from the lives of deep-sea vampires, strawberry squid or hummingbird sepia. How could such a different kind of intelligence form in our seas? And what do Octopuses have to do with SETI – the search for extraterrestrial intelligence? In former times they were often portrayed as monsters, today the intelligent tentacle carriers from the sea are real sympathizers.

The lecture Octopuses and squids by Bettina Wurche presents the latest research results from the deep sea and aquariums, of course with plenty of cross-references to science fiction.

Lecturer: Bettina Wurche
Duration: 45 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
The biologist and journalist Bettina Wurche is an avowed science fiction fan. With an emphasis on "science"!

She works freelance for various media and institutions and writes the science blog meertext. Her favourite subject is writing and talking about oceans and their inhabitants - from past, present or future times. Her speciality is science marketing: the generally comprehensible communication of scientific facts in lively texts, lectures and exhibitions. From her travels between the North and South Polar Seas she has met hundreds of whales and other marine creatures. Earthly ecosystems of the past and present are examples of hypothetical habitats on other planets or moons.

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