Join the Rebellion/the Empire FEDCON - Star Wars lecture
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FedCon 29 | Vortrag | Join the Rebellion - Join the Empire | by Christoph Fournier & Karsten Graef

“Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

It’s a turbulent time for rebellion.

The power of the empire/first order increases day by day and the small band of rebels is scattered all over the galaxy to promote their cause.

So also in Bonn. There a shock troop, led by Luke Skywalker, tries to find comrades-in-arms. Always on his heels, the empire. Can the rebels stand up for their cause in Bonn or can the Empire prevent them from doing so again?”

Star Wars: Join the Rebellion or the Empire?

How do I create a Star Wars costume of the light or dark side and much more?

A lecture with costumed fans for fans in cooperation with the two biggest Star Wars costume fan communities of Germany’s Rebel Legion – German Base Yavin and 501st Legion German Garrison.

In addition to general information about the fan groups, e.g.

  • How can I become a member?
  • What do the two fan groups do?
  • Since when do they exist?
  • How many members do they have?

you will get some information on making a movie-like Star Wars costume.

An informative overview at FedCon with Christoph Fournier and Karsten Graef.

Lecturer: Christoph Fournier, Karsten Graef
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Christopher Fournier is a member of the 501st Legion German Garrison, was chairman of the German Garrison for more than 10 years and will take over the part for the "Dark Side".

Karsten Graef was in command for the Rebel Legion - German Base Yavin for five years and will take over the part for the "Light Side".

Even though both have a preference for the opposite sides of Star Wars, Empire and Rebels, both are united in their passion and enthusiasm for Star Wars.

The 501st Legion is the world's largest Star Wars costume club with over 10,000 active members around the globe. The German Garrison has over 900 members. It is home to Darth Vader, the Stormtroopers, the bounty hunters, Kylo Ren and General Hux.

The German Base Yavin is the German group of the worldwide represented Rebel Legion. Here you will find exclusively costumes of the light side of the Force, the "good guys", like the Jedi, senators, the rebels and of course the heroes of the saga: Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa or Rey.

501st Legion and Rebel Legion belong to the three fan groups officially recognized by Lucasfilm.

Sources & additional links for Join the Rebellion/the Empire:

German Base Yavin: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube

German Garriso: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

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