Discover Tatooine
4. March 2020
Build your raise: with LEGO
14. March 2020“Long ago, in a galaxy far, far away…
It’s a turbulent time for rebellion.
The power of the empire/first order increases day by day and the small band of rebels is scattered all over the galaxy to promote their cause.
So also in Bonn. There a shock troop, led by Luke Skywalker, tries to find comrades-in-arms. Always on his heels, the empire. Can the rebels stand up for their cause in Bonn or can the Empire prevent them from doing so again?”
Star Wars: Join the Rebellion or the Empire?
How do I create a Star Wars costume of the light or dark side and much more?
A lecture with costumed fans for fans in cooperation with the two biggest Star Wars costume fan communities of Germany’s Rebel Legion – German Base Yavin and 501st Legion German Garrison.
In addition to general information about the fan groups, e.g.
- How can I become a member?
- What do the two fan groups do?
- Since when do they exist?
- How many members do they have?
you will get some information on making a movie-like Star Wars costume.
An informative overview at FedCon with Christoph Fournier and Karsten Graef.