Build your raise: with LEGO / FEDCON lecture
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FedCon 29 | Vortrag | Bau deine Gehaltserhöhung: mit LEGO | by Lars Conrad

Lars Conrad is an author, blogger and also runs the largest LEGO podcast in the German-speaking world.

He is known to many building block fans as “The Toy Investor”.

Already last year he inspired the crowd with an entertaining presentation about “LEGO as an investment”. Also this year we could win him again for FedCon!

Lars has expanded his popular presentation especially for FedCon and will present many practical examples that will enable everyone to make a big plus on their account with colorful LEGO bricks. Sounds funny? But it is! True to his motto “playfully real return on investment” he will rock the stage again this year and afterwards be available for a Q&A.

Lecturer: Lars Conrad
Duration: 45 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german

Sources & additional links for Build your raise: with LEGO:


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