Create SF story settings - FEDCON-Workshop
FedCon 27 | Workshop | Interessante Figuren schreiben
Writing interesting characters
17. April 2018

FedCon 27 | Workshop | SF-Story-Settings entwerfen

In numerous novels Robert Corvus has created fascinating worlds before the eyes of his readers. Magnificent cities, disreputable dungeons, rugged mountains, mighty streams, amphibious races, robots, expertocracies, virtual realities and overexposure engines – how can you give it all shape and add it to a whole that carries an exciting story? Planetography, names, cultures, history, space travel, technology and artificial intelligence… all these can be stumbling blocks or the chance to make the imagined world truly their own.

In the FedCon workshop Create SF story settings he presents his way of working and explore variants and new ways of world creation together with the participants. They work in small groups, while the author gives suggestions and help.

Anyone who brings writing materials and a good mood can join in. The participation fee is included in the entrance fee to FedCon.

To register for the workshop, please click here.

FedCon 27 | Workshop | SF-Story-Settings entwerfen

FedCon 27 | Workshop | Create SF story settings

Workshop leader: Robert Corvus
Max. attendance: 50  -  Pre-registration at: see link above
Fee: TBA  -  Duration: 90 min
The Workshop will be held in: german
Robert Corvus is one of Germany's most successful fantasy and science fiction writers.

He not only contributes to Perry Rhodan, but also published novels set in the BattleTech franchise. His stand-alone novels tell stories about a world where day and night last a lifetime, about the last humans travelling the galaxy in a fleet of gigantic ships, or about mercenaries in league with fire demons. The Phileasson Saga - a fantasy series Robert writes together with star author Bernhard Hennen - repeatedly hit the bestseller lists.

Robert has been a soldier, a business consultant, and a project leader working for international corporations. He travelled the world with a backpack and was a pilgrim on the Camino de Santiago and a karate teacher. Since 2013, Robert is a full time writer. He lives and works in Cologne.

Sources & additional links for Create SF story settings:

Website Robert Corvus, Facebook Robert Corvus, Twitter Robert Corvus, Youtube Robert Corvus

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