Star Trek and Time Travel
8. February 2018
Buffy: Living on in comics
24. February 2018The Q Continuum: What to do if you possess all the power of the universe?
One of the most dazzling and perhaps craziest characters in the Star Trek universe is Q, inseparable from Star Trek – The Next Generation. But who is Q anyway? Why his penchant for everything human, especially Captain Picard? Q appears as a trickster, a creature full of hubris, which at the same time tries to drive mankind out of it by, among other things, introducing it to its most dangerous opponents to date, the Borg. But Sisko and Janeway are also aware of Q’s gimmicks, which emerge within science fiction as a fantastic and chaotic element that apparently does not have to subordinate itself to any laws of nature. But how does one actually exist as a being who perceives time and space completely differently and possesses seemingly infinite power? This lecture by Rebecca Haar approaches the character Q as well as his homeland, the Q Continuum, and places it in the Star Trek universe.