Buffy: Living on in comics - FEDCON lecture by Steffen Volkmer
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FedCon 27 | Vortrag | FedCon 2018 | Buffy: Weiterleben im Comic

Last year, the TV series Buffy – the Vampire Slayer celebrated 20 years of screen anniversary . At the end of season 8, Mastermind Joss Whedon decided that he wanted to continue the adventures of the hunter in comic form. With great success!

Accompanied by the spin-off series Angel, Angel & Faith and various special publications, Buffy has already arrived at the 11th season and an end is not necessarily in sight. Joss Whedon, who continues to set the course of the story and has gathered around him a tribe of great writers and artists who create a “Buffy feeling” very close to the TV series, has not yet finished telling his slayer’s story.

In the lecture, Steffen Volkmer, editor of the German Buffy comics, summarizes where the slayer and her gang travelled to after the TV series and where the difference or similarities of the TV and the comic version lie.

Lecturer: Steffen Volkmer
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Steffen Volkmer has been known to the FedCon fans for several years as master of ceremonies in the "Kleiner Saal" and as part of the "Trailer Show" trio. Some also know him as a comic expert, who as an editor at Panini Verlag is responsible for various comic series, including Doctor Who and Buffy, The Vampire Slayer, and moderates the YouTube show "Panini Comics TV", which deals with comics and the comic scene.

At comic fairs, such as CCON | Comic Con Germany in Stuttgart, he frequently moderates panels with artists and gives lectures on comics. He has been working in the comic book business since the 1990s, knows many illustrators and authors personally and knows how to create comics. He also owns an extensive collection of comics, which now occupies the main part of his home.

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