Setjetting, the better holiday - FEDCON lecture (M. Reibe, M. Machoy)
FedCon 27 | Lesung | Björn Sülter: Es lebe Star Trek!
Es lebe Star Trek!
24. January 2018
FedCon 27 | Vortrag | FedCon 2018 | Trailershow
FedCon 2018 – Trailershow
2. February 2018

FedCon 27 | Vortrag | FedCon 2018 | Setjetting, der bessere Urlaub

We, Martin Reibe and Marcus Machoy, will present the topic of film tourism and setjetting during our lecture Setjetting, the better holiday. This involves holidays that include visits to film and serial locations. In our specific case, we are talking about two longer trips to the USA, which included visiting different locations of our favorite movies and series.

The lecture will be a slide show with pictures we took on location at the film locations. The presentation is a mix of a film location quiz, coupled with tips on how to visit the film locations (do’s and don’ts), how to prepare for the trip and the best stories we have experienced. We move mainly in the film genres – sci-fi, action, horror and the periodical classification 80’s until today.

To the spatial classification – on our two journeys we visited the west coast of the USA with the greater Los Angeles area and the east coast of the USA with the greater Atlanta area – here, of course, primarily The Walking Dead and Stranger Things.

Lecturer: Martin Reibe, Marcus Machoy
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
We are a group of two to five normal nerds who go on conventions and trips and report about it on our nerd travel blog.

The name of our travel blog is due to a trip (2012) to England, for which we originally set up this blog. Originally the blog was meant for us travelers and those who stayed at home. But with the attendance of our first convention (FedCon 21) and the report on it, the interest in our reports increased continuously.

With our first USA trip (2014) we started to report about the topic "film tourism" on the blog. This has been so well received that in 2015 we decided to set up a Facebook presence. Our high point so far, in terms of nerre trips, was our second trip to the USA (2017), which was dominated by film tourism and a convention visit (Dragon Con) in the motherland of the conventions.

Sources & additional links for Setjetting, the better holiday:

Blog, Facebook, Instagram

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