FEDCON: SCIFI TV UK: More than just Doctor Who - Lecture
Gene Roddenberry – TV Pilots of the 70s
28. January 2024
Planet Trek fm live
30. January 2024

When we think of British sci-fi series in Germany, the first thing that comes to mind is of course DOCTOR WHO or, further back in time, SPACE: 1999, UFO and THUNDERBIRDS.

But there are several other – and above all good – series that never made it into the German television landscape and are therefore completely unknown. Robert Vogel gives an overview of these series (e.g. BLAKES 7, THE TOMORROW PEOPLE and many more), which are really worth discovering and watching in the original language.

Lecturer: Robert Vogel
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german

Robert Vogel is a fantasy expert and will have been active in the German scene for fifty (!) years in 2023. As a freelance journalist, he writes for various genre magazines, attends the filming of fantastic films and series and has made various appearances in front of the camera. He has been attending and speaking at many conventions since 1978. For 20 years he has also been making the European Space Agency unsafe and spreading the "SciFi virus" there.


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