Star Trek for listening
1. August 2021
Toy hunters clarify!
26. September 2021Whether movies or series, the right music is an important building block for the medium. Semir Ayar wants to talk shop with fans about this in his presentation Soundtrack / Score Episode 1 at FedCon 33. A relaxed Q&A with interaction (music examples as well as “soundtrack guessing”) is planned.
Lecturer: Semir Ayar
Duration: 60 min - The Lecture will be held in: germanSemir Ayar calls himself a fan like all the other representatives from the large fandom community. His special topic is soundtracks. In this area, the enthusiastic music fan has acquired a lot of expertise over the years.
For MagicCon, FedCon and CCON | COMIC CON STUTTGART, Semir is on duty in the technical team and ensures, among other things, that actors and fans always get the right music delivered.