Holy smoke, Batman! at FEDCON
FedCon 29 | Vortrag | Damals bei Stargate Atlantis | by Robert Vogel
Back at Stargate Atlantis
15. February 2020
FedCon 29 | Vortrag | Low-Budget Superheldenfilme | by Robert Vogel
Low-budget superhero movies
16. February 2020

FedCon 29 | Vortrag | Heiliges Kanonenrohr, Batman! | by Robert Vogel

Many Batman fans don’t like the live action TV series from the 60s, because this is not at all like the Batman as we know it. Robert Vogel, on the other hand, is a huge fan of the wonderfully stupid series that became a timeless cult, and he reports countless Bat facts and Bat anecdotes about the series to his lecture.

Lecturer: Robert Vogel
Duration: 55 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Robert Vogel is an expert on SF/fantasy and space travel and a veteran of the German fantasy scene. Since the mid 70s he is active in the fandom, writes as a freelance journalist for various fantastic magazines and gives lectures at about 20 conventions a year. He is just as much at home shooting fantastic films and series as he is at events of the European Space Agency, where he enjoys spreading the "SciFi virus".

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