CGI in VFX – The Evolution
3. April 2018
ESA: Ask the Crew
10. April 2018PERRY RHODAN – Issue No. 3000 and what else will happen in 2019…
With team author Verena Themsen, NEO expocrat Rüdiger Schäfer and Klaus Bollhöfener (PERRY RHODAN Marketing)
Moderation by Christian Humberg
PERRY RHODAN is the title character of the German science fiction series of the same name, which has been published on a weekly basis in the form of magazine novels since September 8, 1961. Since then, the topic has developed into the largest SF series in the world. The issue number 3000 will be published next year. This special anniversary and the other projects in 2019 around this legendary series of novels are the focus of the panel.
Lecturer: Verena Themsen, Rüdiger Schäfer, Klaus Bollhöfener, Moderation: Christian Humberg
Duration: 60 min - The Lecture will be held in: germanVerena Themsen, born 1970 in Hamburg, was enthusiastic about fantastic topics from an early age. As a child she was already a big fan of fairy tales and legends. Later, the PERRY RHODAN series and ATLAN series were added, and she discovered her passion for science fiction. She published short stories and short novels in amateur publications and continued to refine her style. Among other things, she wrote novels for a fan series that played in the PERRY RHODAN universe and was published on the Internet.
Thus the author Susan Schwartz and the PERRY RHODAN editorial team became aware of her and made her an offer: She was able to write her first professional novel for the "Elfenzeit" series; further contributions followed.
Her contributions for the "Elfenzeit" were followed by novels for PERRY RHODAN-Action and PERRY RHODAN-Extra; her entry into the PERRY RHODAN series was only a matter of time. Since then, it has enriched the series and also contributes to the parallel NEO series.
Verena Themsen lives in a small town near Heidelberg. She is married and mother of an "energetic daughter who keeps life exciting". When she's not writing new novels, she works for a company that produces machines for the electronics industry.
Rüdiger Schäfer sees himself as a storyteller who doesn't like to talk about himself, "but rather about what I write about and what I write about. He started quite early on - his sister was a "grateful audience" in his youth. Since 2013 he has been part of the team of PERRY RHODAN NEO , since summer 2015 he is jointly responsible for the exposés of the science fiction series.
Schäfer was born in 1965 in Kassel, Hessen, and moved several times during his childhood and youth because of his father's career. Each time he had to build up a new circle of friends, which he still sees as a reason "why I still prefer to meet other people today".
After graduating from high school and studying business administration in Göttingen, Schäfer began his professional career at a large chemical-pharmaceutical company in Leverkusen. Various stays abroad of several years led him to Poland and Australia, among others. Since April 2000 he lives and works in Germany again.
In addition to writing, the author is interested in the natural sciences, especially theoretical physics, as well as films. He is a supporter of the "eternal second", the Bayer 04 Leverkusen soccer club. He also collects encyclopedias, loves quiz shows and prefers to relax in front of the PlayStation during a fast-paced car race with friends.