Meet & Greet, AG- and PS-Tickets
10. January 2018Here you can find important information about the prices for Tickets, Autograph and Photo Session vouchers for FedCon.
Autographs and Photo Session vouchers are always activated and published, after a guest star has been announced – but since the prices are not always yet fixed at this time, it can also take a little longer.
From some guests, you can order the Autograph and Photo Session vouchers both directly from our Ticket-Shop in advance and at the convention – but other tickets are available from only at the event.
Times of the Photo Sessions are indicated with the publication of our program, since the slots can usually only be planned at a time when the schedule is almost full.
Prices Autographs and Photo Sessions
All already available vouchers for Autographs and Photo Sessions can be found in the Ticket-Shop.If the online shop is already closed, the prices can also be seen on the pages of the star guests.
Ticket Prices
Day Tickets
Friday | 35,00 EURSaturday | 55,00 EUR
Sunday | 45,00 EUR
The day tickets 2020 are now available in the Ticket-Shop.
Weekend Tickets
For all other tickets please visit also now our Ticket-Shop.If the online shop is already closed, these tickets are available at the box office on site.
Whats the difference between guests and sponsored guests?? Does it mean I pay for an autograph and photo for William Schatner but free for Robet Maschio??? Me confused.
I can book matt smith in advance. What about jenna coleman?