Neurotainment Podcast
12. March 2020
Norad is back – H6
3. March 2021Presented by Jules H. Aetherton & Arsenal Best Cosplay
In 2014, we were present for the first time with our “Steam Trek Cosplay” around Star Trek, which was created especially for FedCon. Since then, Larry Nemecek, Jason Isaacs, Vic Mignogna and Jonathan Frakes are among our “photo stalkers”.
In the meantime, we have come a little closer to our goal of creating the first complete “Steampunk Star Trek Crossover Universe”, which means that our fund has now reached a size that allows us to present a Steam Trek Exhibition at FedCon 33 for the first time. There will be numerous dolls with their self-created uniforms as well as props and documentaries.