007: BONDify your life with Christian Humberg at FEDCON
FedCon 29 | Vortrag | Gotham Noir | by Christian Humberg
Gotham Noir
14. January 2020

FedCon 29 | Vortrag | BONDify your life | by Christian Humberg

It doesn’t take much to be a Bond! In their somewhat different life guide “BONDify your life – Wie man(n) Bomben entschärft, Frauen aufreißt und nebenbei die Welt rettet” (How to defuse bombs, pick up women and save the world) Christian Humberg (“Geek Pray Love”, “Star Trek Prometheus”, “Gotham Noir”) and Jens Schumacher (“Black Stories”, “Pulp Mania”) feel the cinematic ravages of time for Her Majesty’s most famous secret agent and awaken 007 in us all. With practical tips for home use, psychotests that promise world domination and lots of affectionate fan humour, this exclusive 007 panel on FedCon 29, which will put a strain on your laugh muscles, will also help you to breathe some Bond flair into everyday life and become the coveted Man of Mystery, for whom no sports car is too sleek and no nemesis too nemessy.

BONDIFY YOUR LIFE – everything else is just stirred and not shaken!

FedCon 29 | Vortrag | BONDify your life | by Christian Humberg | Cover

FedCon 29 | Vortrag | BONDify your life | by Christian Humberg | Cover

Lecturer: Christian Humberg
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Christian Humberg writes novels, comics, plays and non-fiction for children and adults and works as a translator and editor. His works have already been translated into seven languages and adapted for the stage several times. His monthly columns appear nationwide. On the occasion of the Frankfurt Book Fair in October 2015 he received the "Deutscher Phantastik-Preis". Humberg lives in front of a PC monitor that blocks his view of the Mainz Cathedral.

Current works: "Star Trek Prometheus", "Geek Pray Love", "Die zweite Erde", "Die Wächter von Aquaterra", "Perry Rhodan Neo", "Sagenhaft Eifel!"
Comic writer for: DreamWorks Dragons, Vicky the Viking, Hotel Transylvania, Playmobil

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