FedCon 2018 – Video Contest - Join in the contest and win!
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FedCon 27 | Specials | FedCon 2018 - Video-Contest

Video Contest goes FedCon

After years of being a regular and popular item on the RingCon agenda, the video contest is now being held for the first time at FedCon.

We are looking for the best, funniest and most original fan films on the Fandomes represented at FedCon or generally on the topic of sci-fi. These can be self-made music clips, animated films and, of course, short films that you play yourself. The length of the films should not exceed three to four minutes. The only important thing is that the idea and the implementation comes exclusively from you.

So let’s get to the cameras and PCs. Please send your finished work via standard file (preferably in the format “mp4” or “avi”) by e-mail to Frankfhe@aol.com or on CD/DVD/USB stick (you will get it back at FedCon): Frank Hettler, Igelstr. 9,65719 Wallau (Germany).

Please always enter your telephone number and e-mail address for further inquiries. The deadline for entries is May 5, 2018.

Take the chance and take part in the FedCon 2018 – Video Contest. Great prizes are waiting for you!


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