Star Trek – recalculated - Arithmetic genius at FEDCON
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FedCon 27 | Vortrag | FedCon 2018 | Star Trek - mal nachgerechnet

This will be fun: Dr. Hubert Zitt presents Dr. Dr. Gert Mittring with arithmetic exercises on Star Trek and other interesting topics from the world of science fiction, which he will solve live on stage without any technical aids.

What is the current stardate and what is stardate? How long does it take the Enterprise to accelerate to full speed? What will April 5,2063 be for the weekday? What is the transmission speed for beaming? How long does the Enterprise D with Warp 5 take to reach the Star Wolf 359 or the Klingon homeworld? And last but not least: does our German Orion really fly faster than the Enterprise?

The two doctors combine fun with science in their joint panel and will show that Spock’s estimates are better than anyone else’s calculations.

Lecturer: Hubert Zitt, Gert Mittring
Duration: 60 min  -  The Lecture will be held in: german
Dr. Dr. Gert Mittring is eleven-time world champion in mental arithmetic and double Olympic champion in lightning calculation. He calculates faster in his head than a "normal" person can type the numbers into a calculator. Gert Mittring has been a frequent guest on television programmes, has written several books and works as a freelance scientist in the field of gifted diagnostics.

Hubert Zitt and Gert Mittring met in September 2017 at the Phantastika in Oberhausen. They were there for the first time together on a stage and inspired the audience with calculation examples about Star Trek. It quickly became clear that they wanted to repeat this on FedCon.

Sources & additional links for Star Trek – recalculated:

Website Hubert Zitt, Website Gert Mittring

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