Tardigrades and Giant Mushrooms
15. December 2017
Nerd-Quiz Sci-Fi-Edition
15. January 2018In her lecture Firefly, Vaquita & Porpoise, Bettina Wurche addresses a very popular topic from the SF universe at FedCon. Vaquita and Bottlenose dolphin are small whales that lead a rather inconspicuous life. The vaquita or Californian porpoise lives in the Gulf of California, the bottlenose dolphin – better known as common porpoise – floats in the North Sea and Baltic Sea. Both species are threatened, the vaquita is even on the verge of extinction. The whale protection group “Vaquitas are brown coats” is committed to the protection of small Californian marine mammals, who obviously have a lot in common with the crew of “Serenity”.
Our local porpoise is still less known than its Californian cousin, but it suffers from the same dangers: Both suffocate as bycatch in the fishermen’s nets.
Whales are always a topic in science fiction and for SF fans – and these two little-known small whales need our support in particular now! That’s why Bettinas FedCon lecture will visit you, learn everything about Firefly, Vaquita & Porpoise and how these fascinating animals can be more protected.