Sherlock meets The X-Files
17. January 2018
Die Wächter von Aquaterra
17. January 2018Cast-Blast 2018 – the Star Trek podcast live at FedCon.
The Nerdizisten have called and the Republic’s Star Trek podcasts are coming. “Live on Stage” we talk about our life as Star Trek fans and the podcasts in particular. Your chance to meet the voices behind your favorite podcasts live. Among the participants are:
- Federation Cast
- Trek am Dienstag
- Radio Star Trek
- Discovery Panel
- Planet Trek fm
- and of cournse Trek Nerds
We look forward to seeing you.
What is a podcast?
The word “Podcast” has its origin in the internet. It consists of POD and CAST. POD comes from “iPod” – this is a certain portable audio player for music data, an “MP3 player”. CAST is a part of the word “Broadcast”, the English word for “broadcast”. In other words, Podcast is a kind of “broadcast for MP3 players” or “radio to go”.
Lecturer: Chris and Michael, Trek Nerds
Duration: 45-60 min - The Lecture will be held in: germanSources & additional links for Cast-Blast Star Trek:
Website Nerdizismus.de, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube