J. G. Hertzler live in Bonn! FEDCON
FedCon 33 | Stargast | Jonathan Frakes
Jonathan Frakes
18. November 2024
FedCon 33 | Stargast | Robert Duncan McNeill
Robert Duncan McNeill
16. December 2024

J. G. Hertzler is one of the most striking actors in the Star Trek universe. He is best known for his role as the Klingon General Martok in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Hertzler first appeared in the fourth season and shaped the character with a mixture of strong warrior ethics and human vulnerability. Martok, who was both a loyal ally of Captain Sisko and a courageous leader in the Dominion War, quickly became a fan favorite.

However, Hertzler’s involvement in Star Trek was not limited to Martok. He took on several roles within the franchise, including a Vulcan captain in the Star Trek: Enterprise pilot episode (“Broken Bow”). This versatility reflects not only his acting talent, but also his passion for the Star Trek universe.

Away from Star Trek, Hertzler has had an impressive career in film, television, and theater. Among his notable television appearances are roles in series such as Six Feet Under, Charmed, and Quantum Leap. On stage, he proved his skills in numerous Shakespeare productions, often portraying complex and multi-layered characters.

In addition to his work as an actor, J. G. Hertzler is also known as a director and political activist. His commitment to environmental protection and social justice shows that he is not only an advocate for important causes in front of the camera, but also in real life.

Appearance: On all convention days
Autograph: EUR 35,00  -  Photosession: EUR 40,00

Autographs and Photosessions are not included in the entry ticket. Appearance of actors are subject to work commitment. Autograph sessions are usually held on Saturday and Sunday only. When purchasing photosession tickets online, please inform in advance when the respective photo sessions are scheduled for the respective guest (program is online about 8 weeks before the start of the convention).

Order your ticket here   Order an autograph via Send-in-Service

FedCon Send-In
You are not able to join FedCon, you are too busy or on vacation, but although you wanna get an autograph of your beloved actor? For that we invented our Send-in-Service. In our nerd shop - The Space Store - you can either order a standard autograph on a high-gloss photo, or you can send us your item (photo, poster, book, DVD, etc.) and we will have it signed by the star at the event.

Sources & additional links for J. G. Hertzler:



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