Gary Jones live in Bonn! FEDCON
FedCon 33 | Stargast | Richard Dean Anderson
Richard Dean Anderson
19. December 2024
Tom McBeath
23. December 2024

Gary Jones is best known to science fiction fans as Chief Master Sergeant Walter Harriman from the cult series Stargate SG-1. Originally, the Canadian actor only had a small supporting role in the Stargate universe, but he quickly became a favorite with the audience. As the loyal and always professional Walter Harriman, he supported the team of General Hammond and later General Landry with unwavering calm and technical skill at the Stargate control panel. His legendary announcements, such as “Chevron seven activated!” have remained in the ears of fans to this day.

In addition to his iconic role in Stargate SG-1, Gary Jones also appeared in the spin-offs Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe. His presence in the franchise made him an integral part of the Stargate cosmos and a familiar face in the sci-fi community.

In addition, Gary Jones has appeared in other science fiction productions such as Andromeda, Sliders and The Outer Limits, which highlights his versatility in the genre. He has also appeared in series such as Supernatural and in several film projects outside of science fiction. In addition to his acting career, Gary is a talented comedian and was part of the improv comedy troupe The Second City, where he demonstrated his humor skills.

With his charming manner and witty anecdotes about the filming of Stargate, Gary Jones inspires fans at conventions worldwide.

Appearance: On all convention days
Autograph: EUR 35,00  -  Photosession: EUR 40,00

Autographs and Photosessions are not included in the entry ticket. Appearance of actors are subject to work commitment. Autograph sessions are usually held on Saturday and Sunday only. When purchasing photosession tickets online, please inform in advance when the respective photo sessions are scheduled for the respective guest (program is online about 8 weeks before the start of the convention).

Order your ticket here   Order an autograph via Send-in-Service

FedCon Send-In
You are not able to join FedCon, you are too busy or on vacation, but although you wanna get an autograph of your beloved actor? For that we invented our Send-in-Service. In our nerd shop - The Space Store - you can either order a standard autograph on a high-gloss photo, or you can send us your item (photo, poster, book, DVD, etc.) and we will have it signed by the star at the event.

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