An hour-long science-fiction English language Comedy show written and performed by British Comedian Steve Dix. Ever wondered why Captain Kirk gets fatter, or who Yoda’s parents […]
Prof Mark McCaughrean Senior Science Advisor in the Directorate of Science at the European Space Agency is coming to FedCon 25 to talk about exciting recent […]
Mark Alan Dacascos, well-known from the TV series Hawaii Five-0 and Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is coming to FedCon 26 in Bonn. Together with Mark Dacascos […]
Sasha Roiz well-known for his roles in Warehouse 13 and Grimm is coming to FedCon 26 to Bonn in June. Israeli-Canadian actor Sasha Roiz was trained […]
Die Germanistin, Futuristin und SciFi-Kennerin Rebecca Haar bringt zur FedCon 26 wieder zwei interessante Vorträge mit. Kybernetik und Transhumanismus 2.0: Die Borg als intergalaktische Plage? „Widerstand […]
Someone who knows James Bond and the Transformers personally, went on adventures with Jack Sparrow and Doctor Strange is either a hardcore fan or known as […]